Tuesday 22 May 2012

P.O.P DX Donquixote Doflamingo

Finally got my P.O.P DX Doflamingo just before leaving for San Francisco. I took these a while ago and didn't get to post them up yet. At long last I finally got one of my favorite Shichibukai characters. For those that are planning on ordering him after seeing photos online, beware, his box is HUGE!! But none the less if you are a fan of Doflamingo, he is for sure the one to get.

He comes with three separate head pieces, a base, and his body. I kind of wish he came with more parts other than the heads, but his facial expression does capture his characteristic so that's fine. I am a bit worried in the long run where he will begin to lean on one side. He is mainly supported by one leg, while the other foot is standing on his toes. Over time I can see him leaning too much, which might cause some issues later. If you plan on displaying him, have something supporting his weight from his arms or even from his coat. Here are some photos that I took of Doflamingo. Enjoy!

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