Wednesday 28 March 2012

Figuarts Zero Chopper vs Grand Line Men Chopper

Choppers scale

I've been debating for a while now about which New World Chopper I would consider getting seeing that Banpresto's Grand Line Men Chopper is coming out. I have been comparing Banpresto's version with Bandai Figuarts ZERO chopper and in terms of the color they are pretty much even. The quality of the figure I have higher hopes for Banpresto, though I have seen a few photo's online of the Figuarts version and they look pretty decent. The only difference is their scale.

Grand Line Men - Chopper 

Figuarts ZERO - Chopper

The Grand Line Men version of Chopper, his scale, I feel that he is a bit bigger and taller then what he should be where as the one from Figuarts, his scale is actually the perfect scale with the Grand Line Mens. The quality of the two are pretty close, except for his hat, the texture is a bit different. Banpresto's version of Chopper does seem a bit darker compared to the Figuarts version, but this might be because of lighting.

Figuarts ZERO - Chopper (also has a stick)

Grand Line Men - Chopper

I have been debating about this for a while and perhaps I will think about this more once the Grand Line Men has been officially released and I shall make a last decision, but tell me what you guys think! I would love to hear your opinions on this as a toy collector. Would you be true to the scale if the quality and coloring is the same with both figures or would you buy the figure from the same series to keep it's consistency? Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Thank god I found your blog!! I was thinking of the exact same thing. Chopper from grandline men has a HUGE head.

So far I collected luffy, zoro, sanji, ussop and ace from the grandline men series. I got Aokiji from the figuarts series. My plan was to collect all three admirals from there since they're cheaper and the height works out perfectly.

I saw that you've brought the Gol.D Roger from the Grandline men series. In your opinion, Which White beard should I get? Originally I plan to get the POP whitebeard, then I saw the soon to release pictures of "legend of whitebeard" and "legend of gol d Roger" Now I'm not sure anymore.

Give me your opinion! and keep up the post!!

yoshi_kun said...

Thank you for your comment! Glad that my posts help other collectors decide which figures they want to get from a particular brand.

Going back to your question in regards to White Beard, this depends on which generation of white beard you would want to get. The POP DX White Beard is based on the one from the Marine Ford Arc, where as the Legend of White Beard is based on his younger self.

I personally do like his POP a bit more because he comes with his staff and the fact that his beard is much more ridiculous. The only thing I am unsure of with the Legend of White Beard for Ichiban Kuji is that the base stand he comes with is attached to him and is not removable. The one thing about most Ichiban Kuji characters is that they come with a base plate that's glued to their feet, where as the POP's they have a base but they can stand without them as well. This is also personal preference if you want to display them without the base.

I personally wanted the Legend of Gol D Roger as well, but because he's coming out as a rare ichiban kuji character (1500 figures being released), I wouldn't be surprised if he was being sold for really high prices. Compared to his Grand Line Men series, he looks a lot more epic. For Roger, I would want a very epic Roger to me collection. But for White Beard, it's more like if you want a old or young version of him.

I am still waiting for Banpresto to release a Grand Line Men White Beard as well so I would definitely be waiting for that. However, seeing how slow these figures come out, they may not bring him out unless Banpresto releases him on their Vol.0 series along with a young Gol D Roger (milking more of my money).

I hope this helps you in deciding which White Beard to go with. Please leave more question if you have any more! Thanks for reading!