Monday 9 April 2012

Happy Easter & P.O.P Updates

I apologize for being away from the blog. I recently attended the Sakura Con 2012 in Seattle and was too busy to blog at the time. I'm just going to post up a small update on some pretty sweet P.O.P (Portrait of Pirates) that are coming up, as well as a new Franky docking add-on update as well. First off for the P.O.P Sailing Again, we have Brook with what seems to look like a icicle sword and we have P.O.P DX Arlong with his sword and his teeth chopping weapon.

Both of these look really sweet and I would highly recommend for those collecting One Piece New World characters, these would be the choice. For me, I decided I wouldn't be collecting the P.O.P Sailing Again series because of cost and also lack of space in my room. Otherwise, I would be collecting these guy by now.

We have a new update on the Docking Franky figure, but this time with his mini tank. We saw Franky coming out with new ridiculous vehicles and this pretty much shows what kind of things he might bring out next. Here's a small photo of the tank. Enjoy!

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