Me @ work with my delicious S.Pellegrino Frizzante
So my typical thursday is involving work and more work...Joy, on the bright side the Italia project is going smoothly. Fixing a few bugs here and there and working on the videos. Currently I am working on the Labics video project.
Labics is a Architecture company in Rome, that works with context when building something new for the city. The context focuses on culture, geography, or anything that reflect the identity of Rome in particular. Rome, being a historical city, becomes very difficult to work with when trying to build something new. The government won't allow architects to just build something new, unless they approved it or has to have a legitimate reason. Therefore if the architect wants to create something for a city or change it in some way, there has to be some context within the existing city.
Other then working on that, my next video project is going to be the
Bialetti tour which I am starting on, after I post this blog up. On top of that, I am just chilling with a few Italia members. Working with them every week, which is nice. But then again sad at the same time because I know the project is coming to an end. There are those I would miss deeply but then I know that I will be chilling with them even after this project ends.
you should check your grammar :P
thanx unko =3= i shall be careful lol
go get to ur $23948732094324/hr job
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