Wednesday, 3 December 2008

ItaliaDesign 2008 - DONE!!!

Burton Mission 2009 Bindings

So as of now I am officially done with ItaliaDesign 2008, unless there are a few bugs to fix. But other then that, the editing and everything that I need to do for this project is DONE. Had some good/bad moments during this project but in the end it all went well. I am happy that this group is dedicated to this project. What is left now is to upload these suckers on the official web site and its all over.

As a reward to my self, I bought a new sexy pair of Burton Mission '09 Snowboard bindings. A few SIAT members are planning on having a snowboard/ski trip sometime during the winter break. Can't wait for that to happen! wanting to try out my new pair of bindings and perhaps if I make a bit more cash I can either: a) buy a new Burton Clash Board ($400.00 - a bit pricy but meh, well worth the $$$) or b) buy a new pair of boots and stick with my old FireFly board. I am slowly leaning towards the new sexy board, but I am still debating. Have to wait until Christmas and then I can decide whether a new board is coming my way.

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