Monday, 19 January 2009

Arduino meets Fabrics

Toggle/Button + Arduino

For the second week we played around with the Arduino and was introduced to how button/toggles and the photo-synthesizer work. The first part in the lab was to create a button/toggle and to make the light blink every time the user pushes the button/toggle. The second part in the lab was to use the photo-synthesizer and have an understanding of light. When the user blocks the amount of light being read from the photo-synthesizer the LED will become dimmer and vise versa the light becomes brighter as more light is shinning on the photo-synthesizer.

Mushroom + Arduino = Glowing Mushroom

Team: Me + Amanda + Nabil

At the end of the lab we had a discussion on the different types of conductive fabrics that we could use for our first assignment. Some of the materials that were new to me was the conductive thread (something I might consider using for a project I have in mind) and carbon tape, which I have heard of but did not have the chance to actually use the material on fabrics. After that me and my team (Amanda Hui & Nabil Lam) played around with the fabric materials and we made our glowing mushroom, which is still in production.

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