Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Hello Body Interface!!!

Input/Output Activity Document

First week back to school and I have just meet my two TA's Jinsil and Greg. In our first studio lab they gave us an activity where we are given an input and an output. From the given input/output we were to come up with three examples of either an application, thing, or something that uses these together. At the end of the studio we played with some Arduino and made some awesome blinking lights. Some what reminds me of IAT338 where we made a million blinking lights.

My given input was location and my output was dancing. I had to think about this one for a while because the input made it a little complicated. So the first thing that came into mind was a bobble-head. A bobble-head can represent a specific location, like if you visit the different parts of the states or somewhere in Canada each location will have some kind of bobble-head and as an output they are some-what "dancing" but with their heads.My second thought was people. Since we all come from different locations and we can sing or make our own music without having background music therefore we can dance. Simple. Each individual has their own cultural song/dance so this was one that came up. My last idea an dancing puppet - where you can place this puppet onto a surface (or a location) and it will dance according to the tactile surface that it is being placed on. If the surface is liquid-like, it will move as if its body was made out of liquid or if the surface was soft the puppet will dance as if it was slow-dancing.

In the end we had a collaborative input/output activity and for my group rather then have 2-3 member we made a huge group with 5 members. Awesome. So our input turned out to be: direction, light, brainwaves, location, and time. Our output was dancing, light, fire, time, and water. With a combination of all of these we made a Water DanceDanceRevolution platform. Where a user is placed onto a surface of water that has sensors at the bottom and if they are in a specific location for too long, it omits heat which causes our users to move to another location (hence dancing).

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