Wednesday, 25 February 2009

SKETCH TWO: process

SKETCH TWO: Max MSP patch part 1

So it's been a week from now since our brain storming concept. I was given the role as the programmer to program the prototype. Began the project with a bit of help from Greg, which he provided us with a few simple patches in Max MSP and used that as a starting point. The concept is based on color tracking, where we can choose what colors to track and use that as a object that will trigger something in our digital environment. Other patch such as "if-statements" and a new object called "change" (takes a value once and if it has been banged the second time, it will not read it. Therefore it's useful when it comes to a situation where you have an object constantly banging another value, but you only want to bang it once and ignore the rest). I used the suckah-object to choose the color that is viewed through the webcam and also tried implementing a few jitter objects, which I have not used as much from the past.

Max MSP patch part 2 - Simplify patch

It is currently 6:30am and I have not slept for the whole night. Probably not until I finish at least 90% of this project and cleaning up the patch so that it is actually understandable. Other then that, I have just got a few job offers from the IxDA which is pretty sweet. They all emailed me back and hopefully I can keep in touch with them as well as being able to send in my portfolio to them very soon. I hope.

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