Saturday, 14 February 2009

SKETCH TWO: prototype

Had a meeting today with my team members (Amanda & Nabil) to discuss some concepts for SKETCH: TWO. This concept for this project focuses on the idea of using web cameras to let the users interact with the "digital" or "physical" environment that they are being placed in. During this weeks lab we touched based on MAX MSP and worked on how to calculate an object move in a window with the jitter function. From that we integrated two objects into one window and added a function when two objects collide a reaction occurs.

SKETCH TWO: brain storming

Our concept focuses on the area of "joy of use" similar to the project by Camille Utterback & Romy Achituv called Text Rain. Where the user can interact with the falling text on screen while parts of their body "catches" the text. As the user "catches" these letters, words or phrases are created with the one's that the user has caught. Our idea is to iterate this concept as a base in terms of allowing the user to interact with what is on the screen while implementing "game play" into the project.

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