SKETCH THREE: Flash prototype update - tracking 11 objects!!!
Right now we're trying to get this whole prototype to send a message from maxmsp to flash using the flash server. The only down side at the moment is that an object or a movieclip can only update the values on max msp (float number or number object), but the numbers in max msp can't update the position or anything in flash. We got some feedback from Greg about looking into OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol, which is essentially sending binary data to a server and having those objects be read through the platform.
Currently we looked through several OSC versions such as Flosc which is the flash version of OSC and tried to send values from max msp and to receive values as well. Similar to how Flash Server works, it does the same thing. The OSC only reads the values from flash and only updates the values in Max MSP, but from max msp the value is sending in messages but it does not dynamically update the movie clip for a given instance. Other methods, we looked into Oscar - another version of Flosc - but this one's bridging the two platforms and again comes out with the same results.
As far as the project goes, the flash prototype of the project works well. We have around 10-11 objects all linked and they create a path when in contact with each other. Another thing is that the opacity of the object darkens as the objects stay in close proximity with each other as well. For the Max MSP side the object are being tracked by blobs individually and they are given their own name and x, y coordinates. These x-y coordinates were suppose to be used and sent to the Flash prototype where we can use those individual coordinates and make the objects in Flash move. But this doesn't seem like it's going out way at the moment. We are still trying to figure out how this is working but at the wort case scenario, we are going to demo two different prototypes.
Prototype one: showing the functionality of the project through Max MSP. Prototype two: this will be showing the visual aesthetics of the project which was out visual target in how our interface was going to look for our audience. We are still in beta testing at the moment, but so far we might be sticking to these plans in terms of being able to present and demo something for the following presentation.
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