Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Drawing, Filming, and Buying

IDSKETCHING.COM: Surface Finish from Industrial Design Sketching on Vimeo.

Haven't blogged for a while since there hasn't been anything interesting lately. Finally went to my first lab for drawing and we kinda just ended up sketching some lines and shapes. Pretty basic stuff but nothing really new... I'm hoping to read up on some video's from IDsketching.com (link sent by Andrew). Had a chance to film some clips for an up coming documentary called "Feeling Fine", which is about a disease that everyone will encounter when they encounter a kitten/cat. Clips and bloopers will come in a bit so check that out later on.

Akiyama Mio & Hirasawa Yui - Figma (K-On! series)

Other the filming and drawing, I've been buying a few things (well a couple of things) online from Hobby Link Japan and AmiAmi. Recent updates from GoodSmile is that they released the Akiyama Mio for Figma as of Yesterday. Pre-orders will be coming up in a few weeks. On top of that Voltage is having a release for the Dunny 2010 Fatal Series on January 28th, 2010. So be sure to check those out and hopefully I will be seeing some people at the release party at Voltage!!

1 comment:

L. Matsuko said...

OMG PRISMA COLORS!!! I'm soooo addicted to them. They cost so much. I have soo many. soo bad.