Tuesday 5 October 2010

CP+B Internship Starts NOW!

Boulder Tea House

So it's been only my second day Intern at Crispin Porter + Bogusky and it has been pretty chill so far in my department. I am an Product Innovation Intern and at the moment I'm going through Maya and practicing on some drawings. Learning who people are at the company and getting to know the place. A lot of the other interns are pretty busy here and there, but I think once my projects starts coming in it's going to be pretty hectic.
Breakfast at Tea House Boulder

Other then work I went out to chill with Maria and Calvin at Denver during the weekend. The next morning we went to this Tea House breakfast place in Boulder. It's a nice place to have breakfast and the portions are pretty decent. The only thing that was annoying was the bee and flies flying around our food. I suggest for those that want to enjoy their meal and enjoy the sunlight, don't sit near trees and maybe near the shades. I also tried the pho here at Boulder and it's pretty good! This photo below is the medium and the large is ridiculously large. I kid you not!

Medium size pho

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