Daft Punk Tron Legacy Edition
So it has been a while since I last update on my blog. Been pretty busy these last few days with work and new project directions. I've been learning lots on materials and the industrial design perspective of how to communicate to clients and such. But for this blog I'm just gonna go back to figures and toys because that's what I'm missing the most at the moment. I miss my toys back home and the one's that also just arrived back home as well. For those that are waiting for the Tron Legacy movie, Medicon Toy has released their new Real Action Heroes series of Daft Punk movie edition. They are pretty slick and available for pre-orders on
AmiAmi Online Shop. If I had the money to buy these, I'd buy them! One thing I kind wish they did was to put some nice LED lights inside the helmets or at least use glow-in-the-dark material for their clothes to light up like they do in the movie. Other then that, these figures are pretty slick.
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