Monday, 24 November 2008

Italia Launch in 3 Days!!!

As of now the Italia Design 2008 Slide Show is set to be launched 3 days from now. The Italia Slide crew has been working day and night on this and hoping that everyone will come out to take a look at their hard work. We are bringing in a lot of new things that last years Italia guys didn't get to include in the slides so this is something very exciting!!! 

Steveston Halibut Burgers!!!

For the past few weeks I have been working/Italia-ing and hanging out with some friends. Yesterday went out with Karen and wondered around Steveston. Ate Halibut burgers and some delicious fried prawns and onions... Yummm. Walked around and in the end, I ended up working on more Italia stuff, as usual.

Right now I am currently finishing up the Bialetti Tour video and having another all nighter. Yes, I counted 6 all nighters as of now, which is a little better than last year. Then again, doing these all nighters might come to an end soon since the Russell courses will be all over for me. After the Italia Project is over what would my future University life be like? As the days pass by and the Italia project comes to an end, I think I will slowly begin to tear up. Hope to spend these last few weeks with my gruppo cinque. After that, everyone is off on their own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put up your winning photos!!