Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Happy Christmas Eve Everyone!!

Rabbit Vinyl from Cheri 

Happy Christmas Eve Everyone!!! I hope everyone is having a blast during their holidays. Even to those that are working during the winter or just bumming around at home, hope you all have something to do during those free times. Recently I went to Whistler Blackcomb with Ryan to snowboard. Go to the mountain around 8am and it was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!....fresh powder everywhere and there were only a few people on the trails, which is fantastic. Going down a few black runs + out of bounds was awesome, expect for the major wipeouts and falling into a hole of rocks. Christmas is just 3 hours away from now and I hope everyone has some plans for the coming week.

Boxing day sale is on its way and I have made my shopping list. Debating whether or not I should buy my board now or wait for another year and buy it then. However, I am certain that I will be buying some new snowboard boots for a change since the one I am currently wearing is dying on me. On top of that, I am planning on buying RockBand 2 Special Edition for the Wii. The game itself is exactly the same as the PS3 and the XBOX360, but zero lag time on the Wii. But only if the game set itself goes on sale on boxing day, otherwise I will plan on buying something else. 

Finally I wanna say thank you to my god sis Cheri for giving me this sweet Rabbit Vinyl Toy for Christmas. I have yet to decorate and modify this as a request from her, which I will do once I can find the tools. So thank you again sis for the gift!!! and hope to spend time with you during the winter before you go back home!!!

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