Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Snow Day 2

EVE & SM Raindeer Dunny - Having Fun

Currently in Vancouver it is snowing, which is thing. Why? Because I have a reason to go snowboarding at Whistler or Cypress during my winter break. Made a few plans with a bunch of friends so my winter break won't be as boring as last year. This is the 2nd day that it has snowed in Vancouver and I hope it keeps on snowing. Snow in Vancouver would me more snow up in Whistler *yay* Lately I have been finishing up my web design project for True North Apparel, which should be up this Friday.

EVE meets Gaetano Pesce (resin Fish)

My Pesce fish has finally arrived from Azure Magazine, which I have just recently subscribed to. Not the resin mold that I had in mind. The Pesce fish resin mold is actually softer then what I have expected, but still really neat to have. I've yet to find my Salomon 2008/9 Special Snowboard that I plan to buy during the winter break. So far, I have only found the 2009 but not the 2008 sadly, but depending on the boxing day price I hope I will be getting a new board for a change.

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