Sunday, 1 March 2009

More Toys <3

During the weekend a few of my friends came back from their Asia trip. After this long wait, I finally get my awesome Lucky Star - Cosplay figures, which Skwok got for me. Thank you Skwok!! On top of that got interesting toys like the Mugen Edamame (green bean toy) and the Mugen PuriPuri (ripping box sound), which both are very addicting and fun to play with.

Last week SIAT had their annual Open House event at surrey. I was coordinating the Library and helping around with the 3rd and 4th year project setups and organizing different sections of the event. The overall event was a great success and everyone seemed to enjoyed their stay at the open house. Other then finishing up the open house and getting my wonderful gifts from Skwok, I am still trying to finish up my portfolio while working on 3-4 other projects at the same time. 

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