Sunday 25 July 2010

2010 Summer Fun!!

English Bay 2010

The 2010 Celebration of Lights has hit Vancouver and so far its been pretty fun! Meeting new people here and there along with beautiful summer weather as well. Surprisingly Vancouver hasn't rained or snowed these few weeks so I hope this weather keeps up. For those visiting Vancouver for the summer you should definitely check out the up coming days for the Celebration of Lights event.

Celebration of Lights 2010: USA

Celebration of Lights 2010: Spain

Following days for the 2010 Celebration of Lights
July 28th at English Bay, between 10-11pm (Mexico)
July 31st at English Bay, between 10-11pm (China)

For more information check out the Celebration of Lights Website for details.

1 comment:

L. Matsuko Wilson said...

i don't see anyone that looks like me