Wednesday 20 April 2011

Banpresto DX Marine: Admiral Aokiji

Banpresto DX Marine: Admiral Aokiji

Finally the last review of Banpresto DX Marine: Admiral Aokiji (大将青雉 Taishō Aokiji). Similar to Admiral Kizaru & Akainu, the figure comes with a base and a Admiral coat with blue cuffs. Aokiji is around 16 cm tall with his "I don't care"-look pose. Compare to Kizaru and Akainu, Aokiji has a difficult time standing on it's own without the base, but he can stand without his coat on. With having all the Admiral Marines, I would say that this series is pretty good for those that want to start collecting Banpresto DX figures. I hope that later in the future, Banpresto decides to make some more Marine figures to go balance out with Pirates. Here's a small gallery of Aokiji. Enjoy!

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