Saturday, 22 May 2010

Dunny 2010 Series

Dunny 2010 Series

Nothing new lately other then waiting for work to start in June and catching up with some old friends. Other then that the new Dunny 2010 Series is about to come out soon and the line up is pretty sick! Here's a check list image from the SpankyStokes Blog for the up coming 2010 series. I can't wait for that Sket One Ketchup Dunny along with the Travis Cain's Balloon Dunny. With the ratio's that are being posted right now, although I'm not sure if this is the official ratio, it's looking pretty good. Although with another Frank Kozik chase, it's bound to be another mechanical robot. I hope there will be photo's online to see what that looks like!

Besides the new 2010 Dunny Series coming out, this month my P.O.P Usoppu and Nico Robin should be coming out soon. Also I am still debating whether or not I should get the mini Wobbline Pirate Ships Collection by MegaHouse. It would be nice since I'm getting the P.O.P crew set and with the mini boat beside them it would be pretty neat. But going to think about it for a while.

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